
  • Mohamed Debyeche
  • Jean Paul Haton
  • Amrane Houacine




Arabic Language, Hidden Markov Model, Vector Quantization, Neural Network, Speech Recognition


In order to address accuracy issues of discrete Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), in this paper, a new vector quantization (VQ) approach is presented. This new VQ approach performs an optimal distribution of VQ codebook components on HMM states. This technique that we named the distributed vector quantization (DVQ) of hidden Markov models, succeeds in unifying acoustic micro-structure and phonetic macro-structure, when the estimation of HMM parameters is performed. The DVQ technique is implemented through two variants. The first variant uses the K-means algorithm (K-means-DVQ) to optimize the VQ, while the second variant exploits the benefits of the classification behavior of neural networks (NN-DVQ) for the same purpose. The proposed variants are compared with the HMMbased baseline system by experiments of specific Arabic consonants recognition. The results show that the distributed vector quantization technique increase the performance of the discrete HMM system.


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How to Cite

Debyeche, M., Haton, J. P., & Houacine, A. (2014). A NEW VECTOR QUANTIZATION APPROACH FOR DISCRETE HMM SPEECH RECOGNITION SYSTEM. International Journal of Computing, 5(1), 72-78. https://doi.org/10.47839/ijc.5.1.384


