
  • Bernhard Großwindhager
  • Astrid Rupp
  • Martin Tappler
  • Markus Tranninger
  • Samuel Weiser
  • Bernhard K. Aichernig
  • Carlo Alberto Boano
  • Martin Horn
  • Gernot Kubin
  • Stefan Mangard
  • Martin Steinberger
  • Kay Römer



Dependability, Internet of Things, Car2X, UWB, Security, Testing, Networked Control.


The Internet of Things (IoT) extends the Internet to include also wireless embedded computers that are often equipped with sensors and actuators to monitor and control their physical environment. The IoT is increasingly used for safety-critical applications such as smart factories or networked cars, where a failure of the IoT may lead to catastrophic consequences. The IoT is therefore in urgent need of dependability, where reliability, availability, and security properties can be guaranteed even in harsh environments (e.g., radio interference) and under deliberate attacks (e.g., exploiting side channels). In this paper we give an overview of recent research activities in the LEAD project “Dependable Internet of Things in Adverse Environments” towards a dependable IoT, specifically dependable wireless communication and localization using Ultra-Wide-Band technology, secure execution of real-time software, protocol testing and verification, and dependable networked control. We also present the TruckLab testbed, where our research results can be integrated and validated in a platooning use case. In this testbed, model trucks are automatically controlled to follow a lead truck.


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How to Cite

Großwindhager, B., Rupp, A., Tappler, M., Tranninger, M., Weiser, S., Aichernig, B. K., Boano, C. A., Horn, M., Kubin, G., Mangard, S., Steinberger, M., & Römer, K. (2017). DEPENDABLE INTERNET OF THINGS FOR NETWORKED CARS. International Journal of Computing, 16(4), 226-237.


