
  • Rahat Iqbal
  • Anne James
  • Richard Gatward




Collaboration, Coordination, Integration


A variety of computer based information systems are used to support the activities in an academic environment. These systems are used for conducting lectures, designing and reviewing modules, designing and writing assignments, laboratory work, and computer based assessment. The systems are typically designed from scratch if the existing systems do not meet the requirements. This incurs significant costs, and inconvenience. This paper reports on work concerning the integration of existing computer based systems which is formally known as computer supported cooperative work (CSCW) in order to support every day activities. A framework for CSCW integration is presented. A integrative methodology based on this framework is proposed. An example application scenario involving integration of asynchronous application of our university is discussed.


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How to Cite

Iqbal, R., James, A., & Gatward, R. (2014). A COLLABORATIVE PLATFORM FOR HETEROGENEOUS CSCW SYSTEMS: CASE STUDY OF ACADEMIC APPLICATIONS. International Journal of Computing, 2(3), 105-112. https://doi.org/10.47839/ijc.2.3.239


