
  • Pavlo Zhezhnych
  • Anna Shilinh
  • Viktor Melnyk



web-forum, entrant, higher education institution, content, linguistic method, motivation.


Educational web-forums are an effective source of meeting the information and communication needs of the participants in educational activities. Information content of the educational web-forum for entrants is a reflection of the motivational intentions of communication participants who publish posts in the web-community. The subjects of the posts or the choice of the thematic section characterize the motivational intentions of both sides of the communicative activity. It should be borne in mind that motivational intentions are based not only on the technical, but also on the psychological aspects of the author's activities. So, an important task is to carry out a computer-linguistic analysis of the peculiarities of the formation of the information content of an educational web-forum for entrants created by motivated users. This article discusses the linguistic analysis of individual postings that form the content of a web-forum with template key phrases. Participant communications are divided into parts that present information about certain motivational intentions of the participants in the entry campaign. Linguistic analysis of motivational intentions of higher educational institutions and potential entrants is also contained in the article.


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How to Cite

Zhezhnych, P., Shilinh, A., & Melnyk, V. (2019). LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF USER MOTIVATIONS OF INFORMATION CONTENT FOR UNIVERSITY ENTRANT’S WEB-FORUM. International Journal of Computing, 18(1), 67-74.


