
  • Viktor Sidletskyi



control system, orthogonal basis, tensor, steam boiler.


Approaches to the control of steam boilers are analyzed in the article. It is recommended to use the method of tensor analysis for identification of the current state of the heat-energy process for conducting regulating action. It is suggested that the vectors of the input and output variables of the technological process with a tensor are to be connected, which for orthonormal systems adopts a diagonal form that facilitates the calculation of regulating actions. This article presents the results of simulation when traditional methods of calculating the coefficients of the regulator are used and the calculation of the regulating action using a tensor model. The use of such a technique allows conducting the necessary regulating actions taking into account the operation of the individual apparatus. So, its operation is coordinated as a structural unit in the technological line in case of occurrence of deviations and transients.


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How to Cite

Sidletskyi, V. (2019). STEAM BOILER CONTROL SYSTEM USING TENSOR ANALYSIS METHODS. International Journal of Computing, 18(2), 147-154.


