
  • Illarion Moskovchenko
  • Alexandr Kuznetsov
  • Sergii Kavun
  • Berik Akhmetov
  • Ivan Bilozertsev
  • Serhii Smirnov




heuristic methods, cryptographic Boolean functions, symmetric cryptography, nonlinear substitute blocks.


In this article, heuristic methods of hill climbing for cryptographic Boolean functions satisfying the required properties of balance, nonlinearity, autocorrelation, and other stability indicators are considered. A technique for estimating the computational efficiency of gradient search methods, based on the construction of selective (empirical) distribution functions characterizing the probability of the formation of Boolean functions with indices of stability not lower than required, is proposed. As an indicator of computational efficiency, an average number of attempts is proposed to be performed using a heuristic method to form a cryptographic Boolean function with the required properties. Comparative assessments of the effectiveness of the heuristic methods are considered. The results of investigations of the cryptographic properties of the formed Boolean functions in comparison with the best known assessments are given. On the basis of the conducted research, it can be concluded that the functions constructed in accordance with the developed method have high persistence indexes and exceed the known functions by these indicators.


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How to Cite

Moskovchenko, I., Kuznetsov, A., Kavun, S., Akhmetov, B., Bilozertsev, I., & Smirnov, S. (2019). HEURISTIC METHODS FOR THE DESIGN OF CRYPTOGRAPHIC BOOLEAN FUNCTIONS. International Journal of Computing, 18(3), 265-277. https://doi.org/10.47839/ijc.18.3.1519


