
  • Sara Gotti
  • Samir Mbarki
  • Zineb Gotti
  • Naziha Laaz




IFML, Model Execution, MDA, Bytecode, Virtual Machine, Model Interpretation, Model Compilation, Human Computer Interaction, GUIs Plasticity, Computing Everywhere.


Quite recently, considerable attention has been paid to the design, implementation and evaluation of graphical user interfaces due to the apparition of the new strategic trend of computing everywhere. Accordingly, it is necessary to adopt an abstract representation of systems front-end in order to ensure this trend. IFML (Interaction Flow Modeling Language) is a user interfaces description language used to describe the content and interaction behavior of applications front-end. It has been conceived with executability aspect that is obtained via model transformations and full code generators into functional codes. however, these code generators are often accompanied by a loss of information. The main goal of this paper is to present a new virtual machine for directly executing GUIs models designed with IFML language in combination with UML domain model; that captures the content dependency. These input models will be then run on different platforms and devices. We adopted a new model driven approach that includes the hybrid approach of interpretive compiler; through a set of transformation rules, for the implementation of the desired virtual machine.


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How to Cite

Gotti, S., Mbarki, S., Gotti, Z., & Laaz, N. (2019). A MODEL-DRIVEN APPROACH FOR MULTI-PLATFORM EXECUTION OF INTERACTIVE UIS DESIGNED WITH IFML. International Journal of Computing, 18(3), 293-306. https://doi.org/10.47839/ijc.18.3.1522


