
  • Nassim Kharmoum
  • Soumia Ziti
  • Yassine Rhazali
  • Fouzia Omary



Model Driven Architecture, Model transformation, Automatic transformation, CIM to PIM Transformation, Meta-model, E3value, UML2 Sequence Diagrams.


Since the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) approach appearance, model’s transformation has been considered as one of the main computing keys in the software industry, which grows exponentially to ensure competitiveness. For that, the Object Management Group (OMG) offers for the MDA approach three abstraction levels, which are Computation Independent Model (CIM), Platform Independent Model (PIM) and Platform Specific Model (PSM). Most researchers put much focus on the PIM to PSM transformation because these levels have multiple common points, but they disregard the CIM to PIM transformation. So, our defiance in this paper is to propose a disciplined method that generates the UML2 Sequence diagrams automatically from the E3value model. Therefore, we produce the UML’s behavior and interaction model in the PIM level, from the value-based requirements model in the CIM level. The transformations are done automatically using the Atlas transformation language (ATL). The purpose is to reduce the effort, time, and the development cost of projects as all transformations is automated, increasing the chance of being more competitive in the software industry.


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How to Cite

Kharmoum, N., Ziti, S., Rhazali, Y., & Omary, F. (2019). AN AUTOMATIC TRANSFORMATION METHOD FROM THE E3VALUE MODEL TO UML2 SEQUENCE DIAGRAMS: AN MDA APPROACH. International Journal of Computing, 18(3), 316-330.


