
  • N. Jayapandian



AES Algorithm, Big data, Cloud computing, Data Security, Data Storage, MHT Algorithm


Cloud computing is dealing with large amount of data during data communication. This data processing is named as big data. The big data is growth of the demand in accessing the storage, computation and communication. This big data has the major defects. A raising issue in emerging big data is cost minimization. The architecture of big data ranges over multiple machines and cluster which have sub system. The major challenge of this big data is pre-processing and analysing the data patterns. This research article is dealing with different data pre-processing and secure data storage. There are many research challenges during this data process. The possible gap and drawbacks in the technology are identified through this survey and the efficient big data service is provided through MHT and AES algorithm. The main aim of this proposed method is to provide better data security during larger data process. The proposed hybrid MHT with AES algorithm is to minimize the encryption and decryption time apart from that it reduces the attacker ratio. All these parameters automatically increase the Quality of Service.


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How to Cite

Jayapandian, N. (2020). SECURING CLOUD DATA AGAINST CYBER-ATTACKS USING HYBRID AES WITH MHT ALGORITHM. International Journal of Computing, 19(4), 561-568.


