Enhancing Security System of Short Message Service for Banking Transaction


  • I Made Sunia Raharja
  • Ahmad Ashari




security, SMS, banking, Indoneisa, encryption, cryptography


SMS banking still becomes a popular way to make transaction inquiry in Indonesia. The technology protocol used by the service provider is still not secure. The majority of local banks in Indonesia still use non-secure SMS protocols standard. Therefore, an SMS Banking protocol, providing information security service in the transactional message, is urgently in need. Information security can be achieved through some security mechanisms, i.e., encipherment, digital signature, data integrity, and key exchange. These mechanisms are applicable through the implementation of cryptography. SMS Banking security protocol in this research runs through two steps. The first step is the transmission of the transaction request, and the second step is the transaction process. The encipherment is conducted using 3DES symmetric cryptography. Digital signature and data integrity are conducted using ECDSA asymmetric cryptography. The key exchange is conducted using ECDH. The test result showed that the implementation of the protocol could conduct an SMS Banking service and provide protection over the PIN. In general, this protocol has fulfilled X.800 security services.


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How to Cite

Raharja, I. M. S., & Ashari, A. (2021). Enhancing Security System of Short Message Service for Banking Transaction. International Journal of Computing, 20(1), 31-38. https://doi.org/10.47839/ijc.20.1.2089


