Improving Conversation Modelling using Attention Based Variational Hierarchical RNN


  • Sandeep A. Thorat
  • Komal P. Jadhav



chatbot, conversation agent, response generation, variational hierarchical RNN, deep learning, natural language processing, attention mechanism


Conversation modeling is one of most important applications of natural language processing. Building response generation model for open domain conversation in a Chatbot is one of the hardest challenges in this area. The deep neural network architectures such as sequence to sequence models and its hierarchical variants provide a significant improvement in the field of conversation modeling. Although these models require large size corpus, they may cause huge data loss in training phase. Also, these models are unable to concentrate on important data in given context. It affects on generation of responses. To tackle these issues, this research work proposes a Variational Hierarchical Conversation RNN with Attention mechanism (VHCRA) model for response generation. The VHCRA uses the concept of latent variable representation to avoid data degeneracy and the attention mechanism to identify important data within context. The model is trained on large size benchmark dataset, i.e., Cornell Movie Dialog corpus which contains conversations from different movies. The model is evaluated using automatic evaluation metrics such as Negative Log-likelihood and Embedding-Based Metrics. The experimental result shows that the proposed model gains significant improvement in comparison with recently proposed approaches and generate meaningful responses according to the context.


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How to Cite

Thorat, S. A., & Jadhav, K. P. (2021). Improving Conversation Modelling using Attention Based Variational Hierarchical RNN. International Journal of Computing, 20(1), 39-45.


