Integrated Processing of Spatial Information based on Multidimensional Data Models for General Planning Tasks


  • Viktor Mihaylenko
  • Tetyana Honcharenko
  • Khrystyna Chupryna
  • Tamara Liazschenko



multidimensional information objects, multidimensional data model, building information modelling, general planning tasks


The article presents the development of method of integrated spatial information processing based on multidimensional data models. Joint description of spatial data of different levels of detail (LOD) using a multidimensional model and attribute data using a relational model is difficult and requires the development of modified structures of multidimensional data models. The description of spatial and attribute data based on multidimensional information objects (MIO) is determined. It is proposed to use a new type of MIO - modified multidimensional information objects (MMIO). MIO and MMIO schemes allow describing multidimensional information objects and relationships in the form of a single multidimensional structure. On the basis of the introduced method of joint description of spatial and attributive data using extended multidimensional information objects, a multidimensional data model is built. This approach allows integrating different types of databases and contains a unified description of spatial and attribute data in the form of a multidimensional information object. The developed method is supposed to be used in BIM (Building Information Modeling) technology of computer modeling to solve general planning tasks.


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How to Cite

Mihaylenko, V., Honcharenko, T., Chupryna, K., & Liazschenko, T. (2021). Integrated Processing of Spatial Information based on Multidimensional Data Models for General Planning Tasks. International Journal of Computing, 20(1), 55-62.


