Farmer Dissemination of Seeds (FDS) Deployment Method Applied to Simulated Leach Protocol


  • Hesham A. Alabbasi
  • Ahmed Salih Mehdi
  • Alaa Hussain Altimimy



wireless sensor network WSN, LEACH protocol, FDS method, deployment method, routing protocol


Recent communication technologies in the Wireless Sensor Networks WSN enable us to implement and construct various physical sensing nodes with electronic circuits for transmitting and receiving tasks. Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy LEACH is a well-known routing protocol used and implemented in researches and articles; also, there are various attempts from the researchers to modify it to achieve the best results. Since almost all of the articles considered deployment either predefined or randomly depleted for the whole reign of interest RoI. A sophisticated random node deployment method is proposed, named Farmer Disseminating the Seeds FDS, the farmer walks with almost uniform steps and parallel lines to cover the whole RoI. A formation of a uniform grid with deviated random local distances from grid crossings considered as a predefined number of normal nodes with one advance node that has double battery energy. FDS is used to improve the importance of deployment methods as an additive parameter in estimating lifetime and energy consumption in routing protocols. Traditional random deployment and FDS methods are compared.


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How to Cite

Alabbasi, H. A., Mehdi, A. S., & Altimimy, A. H. (2021). Farmer Dissemination of Seeds (FDS) Deployment Method Applied to Simulated Leach Protocol. International Journal of Computing, 20(1), 92-100.


