Modeling of Psychomotor Reactions of a Person Based on Modification of the Tapping Test


  • Lesia Mochurad
  • Yaroslav Hladun



tapping test, mathematical modeling, psychomotor reactions, time series, recurrent neural network


The paper considers the method for analysis of a psychophysical state of a person on psychomotor indicators – finger tapping test. The app for mobile phone that generalizes the classic tapping test is developed for experiments. Developed tool allows collecting samples and analyzing them like individual experiments and like dataset as a whole. The data based on statistical methods and optimization of hyperparameters is investigated for anomalies, and an algorithm for reducing their number is developed. The machine learning model is used to predict different features of the dataset. These experiments demonstrate the data structure obtained using finger tapping test. As a result, we gained knowledge of how to conduct experiments for better generalization of the model in future. A method for removing anomalies is developed and it can be used in further research to increase an accuracy of the model. Developed model is a multilayer recurrent neural network that works well with the classification of time series. Error of model learning on a synthetic dataset is 1.5% and on a real data from similar distribution is 5%.


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How to Cite

Mochurad, L., & Hladun, Y. (2021). Modeling of Psychomotor Reactions of a Person Based on Modification of the Tapping Test. International Journal of Computing, 20(2), 190-200.


