Concept of the Intelligent Guide with AR Support


  • Khrystyna Lipianina-Honcharenko
  • Ruslan Savchyshyn
  • Anatoliy Sachenko
  • Anastasiia Chaban
  • Ivan Kit
  • Taras Lendiuk



AR, intelligent guide, tourism


In order to save time and money for tourists, as well as taking into account their limited mobility in the conditions of Covid, the concept of an intelligent guide based on augmented reality (AR) is proposed. A UML method diagram and algorithm for communication of the system with the user with AR and voice control support have been developed, as well as an application that allows tourists to immerse themselves in the historical retrospective of recreational places. On the example of the central part (downtown) of Ternopil, Ukraine, AR locations are offered, which gives an opportunity to get acquainted in more detail with the information about the tourist object. At the same time, the shortest tourist route is illuminated of historical monuments.


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MagneticOne became the technical partner of AURA project. [Online]. Available at:




How to Cite

Lipianina-Honcharenko, K., Savchyshyn, R., Sachenko, A., Chaban, A., Kit, I., & Lendiuk, T. (2022). Concept of the Intelligent Guide with AR Support. International Journal of Computing, 21(2), 271-277.


