Reconstruction of Tomographic Size Using a Filtered Back Projection Algorithm


  • Faiez Musa Lahmood Alrufaye
  • Seham Ahmed Hashem



Filtered Back Projection, FBP, Computerized Tomography, Sinogram, Head Phantom


Due to their widespread use, image processors are among the most essential computer processors. FBP technique is one of the most widely used tomographic reconstruction methods. Images from a computed tomography (CT) scanner with 512x512 pixels of raw data for parallel beam projections are the metadata to which this approach is applied. This work is divided into three parts. Several projections are created from an input test picture termed Shepp-Logan phantom in the first section, utilizing radon transformation. The picture is rebuilt from the projection of a parallel beam in the second section to minimize reconstruction time. Finally, the proposed system filters the projections using the Ram Lak filter and the Hann window in the third section to refine the picture and then recombine the projections to generate the reconstructed image. The reconstruction procedure is performed on CT images using a filtered back-projection algorithm in this article for image optimization and then projection recombination to generate the rebuilt picture. Since CT can accurately depict anatomical elements like bones and organs and may pick slides in any orientation, it is frequently used in biological applications and diagnostics. It also offers a great spatial resolution and soft tissue contrast. We develop, create, and run computer programs when we work with MATLAB. After projecting the 2D image onto a CT scanner, a very good result in reconstructing the image is received.


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How to Cite

Alrufaye, F. M. L., & Hashem, S. A. (2024). Reconstruction of Tomographic Size Using a Filtered Back Projection Algorithm. International Journal of Computing, 23(2), 247-253.


