Method of Maximizing F-Synergistic Value in IT Development Projects for Self-Managed Organizations


  • Sergey D. Bushuyev
  • Andrii V. Ivko
  • Halyna Lyakhovych


program and project management, value approach, syncretic methodology, F-synergistic value maximizing method, self-managed organizations


The article is devoted to the formulation of the method of maximizing the F-synergistic value of IT development projects of a project-oriented organization, which was developed within the syncretic methodology of project management. The application of the proposed method is considered in the field of IT development projects of organizations involved in infrastructure restoration projects of Ukraine. The directions of scientific research in the field of value-oriented project management are analyzed. The previously unsolved part of the scientific problem is highlighted. Objects of value analysis in a project-oriented organization carrying out IT development were identified, among which stellarator projects were highlighted. A model for determining the value of a separate component of the system is presented. The concept of F-synergistic value is defined. Such a value is proposed to be calculated through the aggregate value of three clusters that create synergistic effects both within themselves (first-order value) and among themselves (second-order value). The clusters included: "IT + people" cluster, "projects + operational activity" cluster, "methodology + environment" cluster. Models for determining the value of a separate cluster and the aggregate F-synergistic value are proposed. Variations in the selection of weighting factors for evaluating value criteria are considered. Within the syncretic methodology, a method of maximizing the F-synergistic value of IT development of a project-oriented company is proposed. The model of 27 scenarios of the dynamics of the change of the multipliers of synergy of three clusters is presented. In the corresponding tables for each scenario, a hypothesis is put forward regarding the reasons for such dynamics for each scenario, as well as a model of further IT development of a project-oriented company in response to such reasons. According to the results of the development of the method of maximizing the F-synergistic value of IT development projects of a project-oriented organization guided by syncretic methodology, directions for improving the activities of such organizations were determined. An extended SWOT analysis of the proposed method was conducted. Conclusions based on the research are formulated, prospects for further research in the chosen direction are outlined.


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How to Cite

Bushuyev, S. D., Ivko, A. V., & Lyakhovych, H. (2024). Method of Maximizing F-Synergistic Value in IT Development Projects for Self-Managed Organizations. International Journal of Computing, 23(3), 371-379. Retrieved from


