
  • Vladimir A. Oleshchuk



Pattern matching, string matching, privacy preserving, sensor networks


We propose to use pattern matching on data streams from sensors in order to monitor and detect events of interest. We study a privacy preserving pattern matching problem where patterns are specified as sequences of constraints on input elements. We propose a new privacy preserving pattern matching algorithm over an infinite alphabet A where a pattern P is given as a sequence { pi , pi ,..., pim } 1 2 of predicates pi j defined on A . The algorithm addresses the following problem: given a pattern P and an input sequence t, find privately all positions i in t where P matches t. The privacy preserving in the context of this paper means that sensor measurements will be evaluated as predicates ( ) pi ej privately, that is, sensors will not need to disclose the measurements ( ) ( ) ( j )


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How to Cite

Oleshchuk, V. A. (2014). PRIVACY PRESERVING PATTERN MATCHING ON SEQUENCES OF EVENTS. International Journal of Computing, 4(3), 85-90.


