Adaptive Consensus Algorithms: Designing for Durability against Unstable Network Connections


  • Stanislav Zhuravel
  • Olha Shpur
  • Mykhailo Klymash



consensus algorithms, network instability, fault tolerance, simulation model, distributed systems


In distributed systems, achieving a consensus among nodes is crucial for ensuring data integrity and operational synchronization. A prevalent obstacle in this context is the instability of network connections, which can significantly undermine system performance and reliability. This article delves into a sophisticated strategy for refining consensus algorithms, aiming to introduce adaptability and fortify resilience against the unpredictability of network conditions. It describes and proposes a new method that modifies traditional consensus mechanisms to better withstand the challenges posed by unstable network environments. The essence of the method is to solve the consensus problem by dynamically adjusting the network parameters to match the real-time connection better. Further analysis of the system operation during the time of correct functioning allows us to detect failures with the help of a timeout, which signals the loss of communication with a node with which it is not possible to exchange messages. This approach makes it possible to improve the system's conclusion about the malfunction of a particular node and avoid possible false conclusions about its malfunction. Adjusting the delay value can help maintain stable system performance under variable network conditions.


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How to Cite

Zhuravel, S., Shpur, O., & Klymash, M. (2025). Adaptive Consensus Algorithms: Designing for Durability against Unstable Network Connections. International Journal of Computing, 23(4), 574-582.


