Diesel Fuel Quality Monitoring System based on Genetic Algorithm


  • Volodymyr Samotyy
  • Oksana Shpak
  • Uliana Dzelendzyak
  • Stepan Voytusik




control system, diesel fuel, genetic algorithm, approximation, cubic polynomial


This article highlights determination of diesel fuel quality indicators by electrical method using the electrical measurements frequency range of the measuring transducer amplitude characteristics for diesel fuel. A method is proposed that allows controlling the quality of fuel by the characteristics of a high-frequency electromagnetic signal passed through the fuel under study. The relationship between the electrical parameters and physical parameters of diesel fuel is determined, which can be traced in measurements and graphs. This control system is represented by a function that has several conflicting criteria that need to be optimized simultaneously, so the approximation method is applied as the most successful option for the study. A cubic polynomial is used to approximate the given dependence. To extend the approximation capabilities of the polynomial, the integer powers of x are substituted by real ones. The dependence of the measured and approximated values is analyzed and the differences between them are estimated.


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How to Cite

Samotyy, V., Shpak, O., Dzelendzyak, U., & Voytusik, S. (2024). Diesel Fuel Quality Monitoring System based on Genetic Algorithm. International Journal of Computing, 23(4), 598-605. https://doi.org/10.47839/ijc.23.4.3759


