Research on the use of AI for Selecting Abstractions for Natural Language Image Generation Tools


  • Volodymyr Yakymiv
  • Yosyf Piskozub



artificial intelligence, computing, AI-generated images, ext-to-image generation


The article describes a method of image generation with Artificial Intelligence services using text abstraction retrieved using Artificial Intelligence services Dall-e, MidJourney and Stable Diffusion, that works with natural language. The implementation of the new approach gives a significant gain in image quality and consistency with analysed text. The methodology is based on using neural network API service instead of commonly used natural language algorithms to extract keywords or sentences. Proposed evaluation is applied to the generated images. An analysis of evaluation options is carried out depending on algorithm and Artificial Intelligence service, based on the tested book, length of result abstract and number of errors for each type. The evaluation results show that the new approach can provide better quality images that relate more with the text compared to natural language algorithms. For example, the average score of images generated by abstractions for GPT3 - 7.13 and GPT4 - 7.3, compared to natural language algorithms CO semantic - 5.43, TextRank - 4.98, TF-DF keywords - 4.74, WE spaCy - 3.04, WordNet - 4.34 for MidJourney generated images. Although results show most of the best results were generated for abstract with text length 20-40 words, meantime images generated for abstract with less or more words show much less consistency with text.


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How to Cite

Yakymiv, V., & Piskozub, Y. (2024). Research on the use of AI for Selecting Abstractions for Natural Language Image Generation Tools. International Journal of Computing, 23(4), 637-654.


