Improving Text-Driven Image Synthesis: Diffusion Models for Photorealistic Outcomes


  • T.M.N. Vamsi
  • J. N.V.R. Swarup Kumar
  • I.S. Siva Rao
  • Pratibha Lanka



Text-Conditional, Diffusion Models, Photorealistic Images, CLIP, Classifier-Free Guidance, GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks), Transformer-Based Neural Network, Latent Code Encoding, Inpainting, Perceptual Loss


In recent developments, there has been a noteworthy demonstration of the effectiveness of generating high-quality images of diffusion models. This success is further enhanced when these models are combined with a technique that allows for a strategic balance between image diversity and fidelity. Addressing the challenge of text-conditional image synthesis, we extensively explore the utility of diffusion models along with two distinct guiding approaches: CLIP (Contrastive Language–Image Pretraining) guidance and classifier-free guidance. Through a comprehensive analysis, we uncover intriguing insights. The classifier-free guidance method consistently emerges as a standout performer, producing images with remarkable photorealism. This method showed a PSNR of 183.66 dB and an SSIM of 99.99%, indicating efficient photorealism and structural similarity to ground reality images. It presents a unique approach that combines diffusion models with classifier-free guidance for text-conditional image synthesis, focusing on photorealism and alignment with captions. Therefore, it can be useful for human evaluators to proficiently maintain both visual realism and associated captions.


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How to Cite

Vamsi, T., Swarup Kumar, J. N., Siva Rao, I., & Lanka, P. (2024). Improving Text-Driven Image Synthesis: Diffusion Models for Photorealistic Outcomes. International Journal of Computing, 23(4), 673-680.


