Methodology for Determining Means of Monitoring Information Security by the Method of Expert Assessment


  • Svitlana Lehominova
  • Mykhailo Zaporozhchenko
  • Yurii Shchavinsky
  • Tetiana Muzhanova
  • Vitalii Tyshchenko
  • Matvii Yushchenko



information security, information security monitoring, cyber security, event management


The article examines and analyzes the numerous advantages of using information technologies to ensure the information security of organizations in connection with the wide spread of the number of modern methods of cyber attacks. It is established that effective cyber protection requires an information security management system with a set of modern event monitoring tools depending on the specifics of each organization. To select an appropriate system and evaluate the effectiveness of its tools, the method of expert evaluation is used in the work. In order to improve the determination of the weight coefficient of each tool of the system, a composite indicator is proposed, based on the sum of the products of individual indicators of the system tools and their priority coefficients. The features of the modern widely used solutions considered in the study confirmed the feasibility of the proposed methodology for determining effective tools of the information security monitoring system. The resulting data allows us to help organizations make an evidence-based decision about the optimal composition of the information security monitoring system.


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How to Cite

Lehominova, S., Zaporozhchenko, M., Shchavinsky, Y., Muzhanova, T., Tyshchenko, V., & Yushchenko, M. (2024). Methodology for Determining Means of Monitoring Information Security by the Method of Expert Assessment. International Journal of Computing, 23(4), 681-691.


