Developing a Third-Party API to Enhance Image Documents at the University of Mosul Data Center


  • Nisreen Nizar Raouf
  • Mohammad A. Taha Aldabbagh



Cloud Data Integration, Document Enhancement, Software Engineering Integration


Data integration plays a crucial role in SWE as it guarantees the proper functioning of multiple system, applications, and datasets. This integration is merit since it helps in developing a single reliable source of information from many, and the lack of data integration results in inefficient and time-consuming manual operations such as redundant data input, document retrieval issues, and data handling mistakes. This paper presents a comprehensive methodology for enhancing document images of Mosul University data centers and their quality assessment through integration with a cloud platform. The proposed approach consists of two main stages: the integration stage and the cloud platform stage. During the integration stage, the university's data center is seamlessly connected to a cloud platform via a RESTful API, allowing for efficient data interchange while maintaining data integrity and security. Next, image document representations are received in the cloud platform stage and undergo enhancement processes with specific tools and algorithms designed for image enhancement. The approaches employed in this study encompass image scaling, similarity evaluation utilizing the Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) algorithm, image warping employing the FLANN (Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors) algorithm, and image quality enhancement by the application of a Laplacian sharpening filter. The proposed integrated cloud-based document enhancement has shown exceptional efficiency in data sharing and precise analysis and enhancement of picture documents within the university's data center.


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How to Cite

Raouf, N. N., & Taha Aldabbagh, M. A. (2024). Developing a Third-Party API to Enhance Image Documents at the University of Mosul Data Center. International Journal of Computing, 23(4), 692-701.


