Stock Market Price Forecasting Using Metaheuristic Search Algorithms: A Comparative Analysis


  • Alaa Sheta
  • Amal Abdel-Raouf



Stock market forecasting, metaheuristic search algorithms, computational intelligence, crow search algorithm, particle swarm optimizer, gray wolf optimizer, dandelion optimizer


Stock market forecasting is an essential factor in the daily operations of many companies and individuals. However, the complex and nonlinear nature of the stock market and the unpredictable variations in factors affecting stock prices present significant challenges in accurate forecasting. To address this, we employ four model-based metaheuristic search algorithms (MHs), namely the Crow Search Algorithm (CSA), Particle Swarm Optimizer (PSO), Gray Wolf Optimizer (GWO), and Dandelion Optimizer (DO), to estimate the parameters of stock market prices models. The data utilized in our experiments are extracted from the widely recognized stock index of Standard & Poor’s 500 (S&P 500), that serves as a representative benchmark for the United States stock market. Our findings demonstrate that the CSA outperforms other MHs by providing the best combination of parameters for modeling stock market prices. The optimized parameters for the CSA model yielded Variance-Account-For (VAF) values of 97.846% in the training set and 93.483% in the testing set. This suggests that CSA offers promising capabilities for enhancing the accuracy and effectiveness of stock market forecasting models.


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How to Cite

Sheta, A., & Abdel-Raouf, A. (2024). Stock Market Price Forecasting Using Metaheuristic Search Algorithms: A Comparative Analysis. International Journal of Computing, 23(4), 702-708.


