Genetic Algorithm based Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks with Various Distance Metrics


  • Yaroslav Pyrih
  • Yuliia Pyrih
  • Taras Maksymyuk
  • Stepan Dumych
  • Mykhailo Klymash



routing, genetic algorithm, wireless sensor network, greedy algorithm, Euclidean metric, Chebyshev metric, Manhattan metric, Minkowski metric


The study highlights the operational characteristics of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). It describes genetic operators and parameters that serve as the foundation for the genetic algorithm's functionality. The optimal values for population size and the number of generations required for data routing in WSNs were determined. The mathematical framework and application aspects of distance metrics such as Euclidean, Chebyshev, Manhattan, and Minkowski were analyzed. A block diagram of the proposed genetic algorithm for data transmission between sensor nodes is presented. The effectiveness of the developed genetic algorithm was investigated for route formation using different distance metrics in a network with nodes characterized by three operational radii. Experimental results indicate that, for finding the shortest route with minimal computational time in a network of 25 sensor nodes, the optimal genetic algorithm parameters are 150 generations and a population size of 300. Simulation results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed solution over the greedy algorithm in terms of route length.


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How to Cite

Pyrih, Y., Pyrih, Y., Maksymyuk, T., Dumych, S., & Klymash, M. (2024). Genetic Algorithm based Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks with Various Distance Metrics. International Journal of Computing, 23(4), 715-725.


