
  • Ihor Paliy



Human face detection, combined cascade of classifiers, cascade of weak classifiers, convolutional neural network, candidates’ verification, active training algorithm


The paper presents the improved human face detection method using the combined cascade of classifiers with the improved face candidates’ verification approach, as well as methods and algorithms for the verification level (convolutional neural network) structure generation and training. The combined cascade shows a high detection rate with a very small number of false positives and the proposed candidates’ verification approach is in almost 3 times faster in comparison with the classic verification scheme. The network’s structure generation method allows creating the sparse asymmetric structure of the convolutional neural network automatically. The improved training method uses the adaptive training examples ratio to obtain a trained network with a very low classification error for the positive examples.


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How to Cite

Paliy, I. (2014). HUMAN FACE DETECTION METHODS USING COMBINED CASCADE OF CLASSIFIERS. International Journal of Computing, 7(1), 114-125.


