
  • M. B. Al-Mourad
  • Rozalina Mohamed
  • Yaser M. A. Khalifa



Peer-to-Peer Data Management, Peer-to-Peer data integration system, Multiple data views, Database Integration, E-commerce


This document presents the required layout of papers to be submitted for publication in the “Computing” International journal. The abstract may not be longer than 150 words. Peer-to-peer (P2P) systems are revival paradigm for information sharing among distributed nodes in the network. A P2P network is a network that relies primarily on the computing power and bandwidth of the participants in the network rather than concentrating it in a relatively low number of servers. P2P software systems like Kazaa and Napster rank amongst the most popular software applications ever. Numerous web businesses and sites have promoted "peer to peer" technology as the future of Internet networking for E-commerce. Multiple views for data are created for mediating between data sources on the Semantic Web. Our goal is to support users’ different needs. This is due to the fact that different users have different needs for joining the P2P community and their requirements may change over time as new information become available. Hence the same information may participate in many different ways in multiple data sources’ mapping efforts. The idea of creating multiple data views has been adopted in federated database systems. However, it is not yet implemented in peer-to-peer systems. This is due to the lack of shared knowledge among peers. Moreover, it is not trivial task to create multiple data views in an unpredictable environment such as P2P. This work investigates the possibility to construct multiple data views in P2P environment. This will be achieved through the development of a tourism application framework. The described framework would benefit small businesses by participating in the P2P network without being forced to use compatible standard indexable-web data-bases provided by large corporations.


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How to Cite

Al-Mourad, M. B., Mohamed, R., & Khalifa, Y. M. A. (2014). MULTIPLE VIEWS IN PEER DATA MANAGEMENT FOR E-COMMERCE APPLICATIONS. International Journal of Computing, 7(3), 56-65.


