
  • Anbu Megelin star
  • Perumal Subburaj




adaptive histogram equalization, image enhancement, medical images, wavelet shrinkage.


Enhancement techniques play a major role in medical image processing, to improve the quality of raw images. This paper proposes a novel algorithm namely wavelet shrinkage adaptive histogram equalization (WSAHE) for medical image enhancement. This algorithm consists of four stages namely, decomposition of images using wavelet transform, application of adaptive histogram equalization on the approximation coefficients, application of shrinkage on the detailed coefficients and the reconstruction of image. Experiments show that the proposed method enhances the image brightness while preserving edges.


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How to Cite

Megelin star, A., & Subburaj, P. (2014). WAVELET SHRINKAGE ADAPTIVE HISTOGRAM EQUALIZATION FOR MEDICAL IMAGES. International Journal of Computing, 13(3), 191-196. https://doi.org/10.47839/ijc.13.3.633


