
  • Bassam A. Hussein
  • Kristin H. Hafseld



commitment, conformity, user involvement, organizational factors, organizational culture, information systems projects, case study.


This paper studies the impact of organizational influences on the development of a major information system project at a governmental organization in Norway. The results suggest that strong conformity pressure and weak affective organizational commitment among end users, in addition to the lack of project management competence in the organization were contributing factors that led to complications, overspending, delays, and reworks. The findings also indicate that a combination of an authoritarian style and resistance to change have impacted on the organization ability to effectively involve, prepare and commit end-users to the project and to the changes it will create in the organization. In addition to these cultural factors, there was also lack of top management support, which has directly impacted the organization’s ability to provide support and resources.


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How to Cite

Hussein, B. A., & Hafseld, K. H. (2014). IMPACT OF CONFORMITY, COMMITMENT AND MANAGEMENT STYLE ON AN INFORMATION SYSTEM PROJECT. International Journal of Computing, 13(4), 227-239.


