
  • Eva Volna



Neuroevolution, multilayer feedforward network, pattern recognition problem, alphabet coding problem.


Evolution in artificial neural networks (e.g. neuroevolution) searches through the space of behaviours for a network that performs well at a given task. Here is presented a neuroevolution system evolving populations of neurons that are combined to form the fully connected multilayer feedforward neural network with fixed architecture. In this article, the transfer function has been shown to be an important part of architecture of the artificial neural network and have significant impact on an artificial neural network’s performance. In order to test the efficiency of described method, we applied it to the pattern recognition problem and to the alphabet coding problem.


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How to Cite

Volna, E. (2014). FORMING EVOLUTIONARY DESIGN OF NEURAL NETWORKS WITH DIFFERENT NODES. International Journal of Computing, 8(1), 16-23.


