
  • Katarzyna Jakowska-Suwalska
  • Maciej Wolny



multiple attribute decision support, inventory control, material requirement planning, non-cooperative game.


This paper presents a multiple criteria decision making model of material requirements planning in a coal mine. The model is built on the basis of historical data of material consumption and two criteria are considered in the model: (a) probability of a lack of material and (b) deviations of the order size from the material consumption volumes in the last n periods. The work assumes that the volume of material consumed is a continuous random variable with a known distribution. In the model proposed it is also assumed that the costs of material order volume are limited. The problem analyzed with the two criteria is solved by using goal programming and as a result, two non-dominated solutions are received. The game theory approach to multiple attribute decision problems is used to choose the final solution.


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How to Cite

Jakowska-Suwalska, K., & Wolny, M. (2015). SUPPORT MODEL OF MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS PLANNING IN A COAL MINE. International Journal of Computing, 14(3), 172-179.


