
  • Vladyslav Hamolia
  • Viktor Melnyk
  • Pavlo Zhezhnych
  • Anna Shilinh



intrusion detection, machine learning, clustering, traffic detection, anomalies, neural nets


Anomaly detection (AD) identifies samples that are not related to the overall distribution in the feature space. This problem has a long history of research through diverse methods, including statistical and modern Deep Neural Networks (DNN) methods. Non-trivial tasks such as covering ambiguous user actions and the complexity of standard algorithms challenged researchers. This article discusses the results of introducing an intrusion detection system using a machine learning (ML) approach. We compared these results with the characteristics of the most common existing rule-based Snort system. Signature Based Intrusion Detection System (SBIDS) has critical limitations well observed in a large number of previous studies. The crucial disadvantage is the limited variety of the same attack type due to the predetermination of all the rules. DNN solves this problem with long short-term memory (LSTM). However, requiring the amount of data and resources for training, this solution is not suitable for a real-world system. This necessitated a compromise solution based on DNN and latent space techniques.


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How to Cite

Hamolia, V., Melnyk, V., Zhezhnych, P., & Shilinh, A. (2020). INTRUSION DETECTION IN COMPUTER NETWORKS USING LATENT SPACE REPRESENTATION AND MACHINE LEARNING. International Journal of Computing, 19(3), 442-448.


