Database Development and Recognition of Facial Expression using Deep Learning


  • Mayuri M. Bapat
  • Chandrashekhar H. Patil
  • Shankar M. Mali



Image classification, Convolutional Neural Network, Facial expression recognition, E2E Network


Facial expressions serve as a means of conveying human emotions and individual intentions. The ability to perceive and interpret facial emotions is a relatively effortless job for humans, although it poses significant challenges when attempting to replicate this capability using a computer. Facial expressions can be detected from static photos, video, webcam data, or real-time photographs. The primary focus of this study is to create the SMM Facial Expression dataset and to develop a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model for accurately recognizing and classifying facial expressions. This model utilizes End-to-end (E2E) networks to analyze individual frames or clusters of frames received from the camera. The analysis is conducted through various layers of convolutional and pooling operations. The proposed model is evaluated on two benchmark datasets, add long form Cohn-Kanade (CK+) and Facial Expression Recognition 2013 Dataset (FER2013) for facial expression recognition (FER). The obtained accuracy rates are 85.27% and 82.18% for CK+ and FER2013, respectively. This study demonstrates that the SMM Facial dataset is comparable in quality to previously benchmarked datasets, and the proposed model holds potential for real-time facial expression recognition.


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How to Cite

Bapat, M. M., Patil, C. H., & Mali, S. M. (2024). Database Development and Recognition of Facial Expression using Deep Learning. International Journal of Computing, 23(4), , 606-617.


